District 7450 PolioPlus Society
A great opportunity to do good in the world

Spread the word: now is your opportunity to get in on the ground level of the PolioPlus Society! The PolioPlus Society (PPS) is a new District 7450 program to promote individual giving to the PolioPlus Fund of The Rotary Foundation.
To become a member, all you need to do is to agree to make an annual donation of at least $100 to The Rotary Foundation’s PolioPlus Program until polio is eradicated. The pledge form to make your commitment is available here.  The next step is to complete your contribution one of three ways:
For your pledge, you will receive a District 7450 PolioPlus Society pin, an official, frameable, displayable, unique and much-revered certificate, Paul Harris recognition points for your donation and the pride in knowing you’ve seized a great opportunity to do good in the world!

It is crucial, now more than ever, to keep funding the polio eradication program. It has been a long battle, but we need to finish the job. In 1985 we promised the children of the world that we would eradicate this devastating disease from the face of the earth. We’re close to eradicating polio, but we’re not done yet. Your contributions help to continue immunization and surveillance efforts, as well as support, transport and materials needed in the fight against polio.  Your gift will get us closer to the finish line.

Make your donation now by following the links above or scanning the QR code.

For more information contact your PolioPlus Chair PDG Kevin Katarynick[email protected]


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