Covid-19 Update for RYLA Program Participants
In-person participation through the programs of Freedoms Foundation at Valley is invaluable. As we continue to grow our programs and increase participation, we must maintain the utmost level of safety and concern for our participants and staff.
Due to the virulence of the delta variant of the Covid-19 virus and the steady increase of hospitalizations of infected individuals since mid-summer, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge is updating its policies for all on-campus programs.
The following policies will go into effect immediately. These policies will remain in place until further notice.
Adults and Students Over 12
All participants attending overnight programs – all adults and students 12 and over – must be fully vaccinated and are required to provide proof of vaccination with a CDC card or other official documentation from the vaccine administrator. Vaccination documents must be submitted to FFVF at least 14 days before the start of the program. More information on how to submit proof of inoculations is included in the FFVF registration process.
Individuals unable or unwilling to provide the necessary vaccine documentation will not be permitted to participate in the program or enter the Valley Forge campus. There will be no exceptions.
Weddings, Meetings, and Conferences on FFVF Campus
Those participating in a non-Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge program held on the campus – such as weddings, meetings, conferences – are expected to be masked and social distance as recommended by CDC, state, and local governments.
Individuals with questions or concerns about the policies listed above are encouraged to
email [email protected].
For full details, please visit the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Website.